Who Is the First Anti-Racist in Human History?

Who Is the First Anti-Racist in Human History?

Prophet Muhammad’s messages on anti-racism are important in light of the unrest in USA. He uneq ...

Intercessors on the Day of Resurrection. Who? – Part 5

Intercessors on the Day of Resurrection. Who? – Part 5

As well as the Gracious Quran, one's good and righteous relatives may act as intercessors on on ...

Intercessors on the Day of Resurrection. Who? – Part 4

Intercessors on the Day of Resurrection. Who? – Part 4

On the Day of Resurrection, there will be many intercessors other than Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ...

Intercessions Made in The Hereafter – Part 3

Intercessions Made in The Hereafter – Part 3

There are defferent kinds of intercessions Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will make on the Day of Resu ...

Muhammad: The First Years of His Message

Muhammad: The First Years of His Message

Let us now approach the first years of his message. Those were years one rarely finds an equal ...

Muhammad: The Noblest of the Prophets and Messengers

Muhammad: The Noblest of the Prophets and Messengers

He is Muhammad ibin `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim. He lived a life full of great man ...

Can the Power of Prayer Alone Stop a Pandemic like the Coronavirus? Even the Prophet Muhammad Thought Otherwise

Can the Power of Prayer Alone Stop a Pandemic like the Coronavirus? Even the Prophet Muhammad Thought Otherwise

The Prophet Muhammad provided good advice on how to limit the spread of pandemics like coronavi ...

Domestic Violence – A Friday Speech

Domestic Violence – A Friday Speech

In this beneficial speech, Shaykh Waleed Basyouni reminds and encourages people to deal gently ...

The Prophet’s Miraculous Night Journey: A Gift and a Test

The Prophet’s Miraculous Night Journey: A Gift and a Test

What kind of gifts was the Night Journey to the Prophet from his Lord? How did it distinguish b ...

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: The Prophet in the Divine Presence

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: The Prophet in the Divine Presence

What do you now about Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj journey? What happened to the Prophet during it a ...

Prophet Muhammad: The Embodiment of the Role and Features of Believers

Prophet Muhammad: The Embodiment of the Role and Features of Believers

Prophet Muhammad was granted a charter of social justice, which also spells out the role and fe ...

Prophet’s Physical Features: As If You Were Seeing Him

Prophet’s Physical Features: As If You Were Seeing Him

One feels amazed by the degree of detailing in the description of the Prophet’s physical featur ...

A Blessed Birth of a Noble Prophet

A Blessed Birth of a Noble Prophet

The Last Prophet was born in one of Makkah’s noble families, Banu Hashim, which enjoyed great r ...

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Among the seventy-man delegation of the Ansar who took the oath of allegiance to the Prophet in ...

Muhammad: The Exemplar of Coexistence and Moderation

Muhammad: The Exemplar of Coexistence and Moderation

Forgiveness, moderation, justice, and mercy are the basics of Islamic ethics which were reflec ...

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq: The Skinny but Great Man

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq: The Skinny but Great Man

In physical appearance, Abu Bakr was a slender man with a slightly bent waist t. He was very ge ...

Life of the Prophet: The Message for Present Muslims

Life of the Prophet: The Message for Present Muslims

Going through the prophet’s life there are timeless lessons every Muslim can extract and imple ...

Prophet Muhammad on the Night Journey.. The Qur’an Tells Us

Prophet Muhammad on the Night Journey.. The Qur’an Tells Us

What do you know about the Prophet’s miraculous night journey? What happened on that journey? W ...

Muhammad’s Relationship with Nature: Faith throughout the Mission

Muhammad’s Relationship with Nature: Faith throughout the Mission

How did the Prophet’s life in the desert fashioned him and his outlook on creation and the Crea ...

Prophet Muhammad: A Morality Message for All Time

Prophet Muhammad: A Morality Message for All Time

Equality of opportunity, mercy, justice, human rights, peaceful coexistence and respect for nat ...