The Slavery System in Religious History and Practices

The Slavery System in Religious History and Practices

Was there slavery before Islam? How did Islam deal with it? And what about the Islamic concepts ...

Ibn Rushd: The Muslim Averroes

Ibn Rushd: The Muslim Averroes

Abul-Walid ibn Rushd, known in the West as Averroes, was the exemplar of a Muslim scientist and ...

Forgiveness and Tolerance in Islam

Forgiveness and Tolerance in Islam

Can hatred dwell in the heart of a the believer? How does your heart react to others’ misdoings ...

What Do Muslims Celebrate?

What Do Muslims Celebrate?

What holidays do Muslims celebrate and in what way? Do all widespread ‘Islamic’ celebrations ha ...

Think before Doing… Is It Really for the Sake of God?

Think before Doing… Is It Really for the Sake of God?

If you intend to do something, you have a motive or purpose. How often do you assess your motiv ...

Work and Spiritually: Where Do They Meet?

Work and Spiritually: Where Do They Meet?

Is there no place for spirituality at work? Can we develop ourselves spiritually while working ...

Fatwa… Different Opinions and Authentic Sources (2/2)

Fatwa… Different Opinions and Authentic Sources (2/2)

How do we know that a particular fatwa is authentic? Do all fatwas have the same validity? What ...

Who Is the Altruist and How to Be One?

Who Is the Altruist and How to Be One?

What is altruism? And who exactly are the altruistic? What is the status of altruism in Islam? ...

That Is Why We Are Different

That Is Why We Are Different

Why did God create us different in religion, in races, in ethnicity? What is the wisdom behind ...

How to Deal with Unjust People?

How to Deal with Unjust People?

Should we hate the people who did wrong to us, get back at them? Isn’t hatred a natural human f ...

The People of the Book in the Qur’an

The People of the Book in the Qur’an

Who are the People of the Book? What does the Qur’an say about them? Does Islam regard them as ...

Through Knowledge You Become Muslim

Through Knowledge You Become Muslim

How knowledge is critical to the preservation of religion in our hearts and on the ground as we ...

Islam and the Common Origin of Humanity

Islam and the Common Origin of Humanity

O mankind! Be conscious of your Lord, who has created you from one soul (Adam), and out of it c ...

The Moral System of Islam: Motives and Practices

The Moral System of Islam: Motives and Practices

Why do we willingly and voluntarily obey God, submit to His will? What does stimulate us to adh ...

What Does Islam Teach about Justice?

What Does Islam Teach about Justice?

What does the Qur’an say about justice, and how is it related to belief? How does a Muslim act ...

Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam

Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam

What rights does Islam set for non-Muslims? Are they given any under Islam? How does Islam see ...

Fatwa: Its Meaning and Characteristics

Fatwa: Its Meaning and Characteristics

What is meant by fatwa in Islam, and what are its authentic sources? What are the basic require ...

Islam: Beyond Diversity & Cultures

Islam: Beyond Diversity & Cultures

Can we divide Islam according to the diverse worldwide ways of life and cultures of Muslims? Ho ...

Life: Its Meaning and Purpose

Life: Its Meaning and Purpose

Factually and even shockingly the video here traces and outlines such rarely discussed matters, ...

Parents in Islam: Their Rights and Status

Parents in Islam: Their Rights and Status

How do Muslims treat their parents? How about non-Muslim parents? What do the Qur’an and Sunnah ...