Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 11: Surat Al-A`la (Part 2 )

In verse 8 of Surat Al-A’la Allah promises Prophet Muhammad to make things easy for him and giv ...

The Faith Revival (11): Remembers His Place in Front of Allah

As human beings, we will never stop sinning. But remembering your place in front of Allah befor ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 10: Surat Al-A`la (Part 1 )

In this video Nouman Ali Khan delves into the core of what it means to do "tasbeeh", to declare ...

The Faith Revival (10): Move Beyond the Catalyst

Allah sends you reminders night and day, and sometimes those reminders are major wake up calls. ...

The Faith Revival (9): `Ammar’s Heart and `Umar’s Shirt

What did the Prophet say about `Ammar ibn Yasir's heart and faith? What's the story of the drea ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 9: Surat At-Tariq

In this video, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains the second half of aurat At-Tariq, where Allah t ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 8: Surat Al-Buruj

In the final verses of Surah Al-Buruj, an extremely Forgiving and intensely Loving Allah tells ...

The Faith Revival (8): Two Supplications of the Prophet

There is nothing more inconsistent than the heart, yet no vessel more important. Therefore the ...

The Faith Revival (7): You’re No Angel

Even the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) were vigilant about th ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 6: Surat Al-Mutaffifin

In this video Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains how the state of believers in Jannah is contraste ...

The Faith Revival (6): Healthy Fluctuations

Faith is supposed to increase and decrease, but how dramatic are your fluctuations? The Prophet ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 7: Surat Al-Inshiqaq

The idea that nature is this wild beast that Allah has held back is a recurring theme in the Qu ...

The Faith Revival (5): Even If Abu Dharr Doesn’t Like It

There is hope for the major sinners, as long as they turn back to their Creator. Allah doesn’t ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 5: Surat Al-Infitar

When we stand before Allah on the Day of Reckoning, we will know what we had “sent ahead”: the ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 4: Surat At-Takwir

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 4: Surat At-Takwir (the 18th chapter of the Qur’an) O ...

The Faith Revival (4): He Is Not A Believer When…

There are certain actions that are so unbefitting of a believer, that belief departs from the d ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 3: Surat `Abasa

Some people ask: Why do I need Islam? In his explanation of the concept of “istighna'” (feeling ...

The Faith Revival

The Faith Revival (3): Shaky Foundations

There is a direct correlation between the actions of the tongue with the condition of the heart ...

Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 2: Surat An-Nazi`at

Summing up his eye-opening interpretation of Surah An-Nazi’at, Ustadh Nouman offers this unique ...

The Faith Revival

The Faith Revival (2): Your Faith Wears Out

Think of your favorite shirt. It fades slightly each time you wash it, and will eventually wear ...