Allah has demanded of the people that they should build up their life on the foundation of trut ...
Five times a day, roughly 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, bow, kneel, and place their foreheads ...
In the midst of his severe affliction, what did Prophet Ayyub say? What did he ask Allah for, a ...
When all other religions turn their attention first only towards the performance of worship and ...
What are the benefits of supplication? What did the Prophet say about supplication and its meri ...
What does the Prophet’s Sunnah say and indicate about prayer, its importance, rules and reward? ...
What are the merits attributed to those who regularly and properly perform the Night Prayer? An ...
What lessons of gratitude do Ramadan teach us? How does Ramadan provide us with heart-transfor ...
What is the du`aa’ we need to make these precious last ten days of Ramadan? What is the du`aa’ ...
We've made it to the final ten nights of Ramadan So, how could we focus on getting the best t ...
In every relationship, one of the main aspects of the health of that relationship is trust. Do ...
There is no cure for a diseased heart, that of the hypocrites (munafiqun) who have given Shayta ...
During these middle ten days of Ramadan, most of us are afflicted with the dreaded "mid-Ramadan ...
How does Allah, throughout Ramadan, put to the test a Muslim`s faith for a full month? Who are ...
Just like we have appetites for food and drink, our tradition teaches us that the soul actually ...
In Surat Az-Zumar, Allah calls upon us in a very unique way - not by our belief, but by our mis ...
The Qur’an is very sensitive to context, both historical and textual. Unlike the common underst ...
When we talk about the dangers of envy, we typically speak about the dangers impacting the one ...
Do you feel the difference between day 1 and day 10 of Ramadan? Watch this one-minute clip to f ...
Why do we fast Ramadan? Why is it made obligatory on you? What is the real purpose of fasting, ...