In common folklore, angels are thought of as good forces of nature, hologram images, or illusio ...
Belief in the Prophets chosen by Allah to relay His message to humans is a required article of ...
When Prophet Muhammad was around forty years of age he started to spend time in deep reflection ...
Linguistically, Sunnah means a way or method that can have two states, either good or bad. It i ...
Understanding the Qur'an's meaning is vital. What happens if one comes across a verse that they ...
What does Surat Al-Fatihah teach about guidance? And how should we seek to practice them throug ...
The Qur'an is a record of the exact words revealed by Allah through the Angel Gabriel to the Pr ...
Proclaiming the sanctity of human life, property and honor, promoting social relations, Islam s ...
How do Muslims see the Qur’an? Whom does the Qur’an address? What does it reveal? The same mess ...
What does the word tilawah mean? What does it take to truly understand the words and messages o ...
What do the first words of the Qur’an teach about God, creation and the Hereafter? What does th ...
O mankind! Be conscious of your Lord, who has created you from one soul (Adam), and out of it c ...