Murder: A Major Sin in Islam

Murder: A Major Sin in Islam

Murder is indeed a heinous crime that is naturally rejected by all humans. Almighty Allah threa ...

Major Sins in Islam

Major Sins in Islam

In this 8-episode series, Sheikh Abdurraheem Green talks about the major sins which have been f ...

What Islam Says About Adultery

What Islam Says About Adultery

Adultery is against sound natural disposition, regardless of religion. This crime is looked upo ...

Suicide and Despair in Islam

Suicide and Despair in Islam

How to deal with despair and suicidal thoughts, why one should never despair of the mercy of Al ...

How to Avoid Minor Shirk?

How to Avoid Minor Shirk?

Scholars and righteous people pay more attention to the Minor Shirk because it is hidden and th ...

Shirk: Its Meaning and Punishment in Islam?

Shirk: Its Meaning and Punishment in Islam?

Committing shirk is the greatest major sin. Why? What is shirk? What does Allah say about it in ...

The Concept of Sin in Islam

The Concept of Sin in Islam

How does Islam see sin and evil? On the Day of Judgment will we be held accountable for what ou ...

The Sanctity of Life and the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad

The Sanctity of Life and the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad

What does the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad say about suicide bombings or killing an ...

The Six Reasons People Attempt Suicide

The Six Reasons People Attempt Suicide

The article discusses the most common reasons why people may commit suicide or harbor thoughts ...

The Wicked Slander against the Mother of the Believers

The Wicked Slander against the Mother of the Believers

This is the story of 'A'ishah in which the hypocrites wanted to harm the Prophet Muhammad throu ...

Taking a Closer Look at the Virtues of the Month of Rajab

Taking a Closer Look at the Virtues of the Month of Rajab

There are a few sound virtues of the sacred month of Rajab. However, thare are many virtues an ...

Apostasy & Drinking Alcohol

Apostasy & Drinking Alcohol

The noble Qur'an teaches us that there is no compulsion in religion. Does the punishment for ap ...

Polytheism: Its Meaning and Categories

Polytheism: Its Meaning and Categories

How does Polytheism or ascribing partners to Allah nullify faith in the Oneness of Allah? And w ...

The Unforgivable Sin in Islam

The Unforgivable Sin in Islam

Allah is All-Merciful and Oft-Forgiving. Indeed, He may forgive all sins except for one. What i ...

Salvation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Salvation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

The E-Da`wah Committee, owned by Al-Najat Charity Society in Kuwait, presents this short video ...