“Make things easier; do not make things more difficult. Spread the glad tidings. Do not hate.” ...
Why and how was the Ka`bah built? How does it relate to the meaning and history of Islam? What ...
Isn’t Allah the God of Muslims? How could we differentiate between the God of Islam and that of ...
What has led you to Islam? How did you respond to call of God? How does Islam go in line with y ...
By following Islam you are truly free. How come? Doesn’t the faith impose various obligations, ...
How does faith keep man away from low attributes and mean acts, and how actually does this deve ...
How do we shorten the prayer? And when is it applicable? When should we make for the missed pra ...
Why do we plead to Allah to ‘guide us to the straight path’? What is unique about such a prayer ...
No sooner had Ibrahim made the declaration that he would never worship the deities which his pe ...
Hajj is a life-time journey; if conducted properly, it will erase all sins of the pilgrim. So, ...
Are you new to Islam and don’t know how to pray and make your prayer valid? Do you know what is ...
What drives people to convert to Islam? What are the concerns, issues, and struggles that those ...
Islam commands that in the hearts of the children the seeds of the greatness and importance of ...
That’s why the Prophet encouraged Muslims to attend the congregational prayer at the mosque, wa ...
I want to learn Arabic. As a beginner, what should I do? How should I proceed, and from where? ...
Because the Prophet’s intervention women were treated as equals, given rights. Learn how the Pr ...
Have taken the courageous step of submitting to the will of God, you , through devotion to Him ...
Greeting in Islam not only increases friendship, harmony and respect, it simultaneously signifi ...
In Islam, the right of privacy for every individual is highly respected. Prying into people’s p ...
What she had thought all her life about Islam has nothing to do with the true religion and the ...